
Carry in a black mojo bag or cloth to be protected against all forms of evil or negativity.

To promote passion, anoint with Venus love oil (if you?re a woman; Satyr oil if you?re a man) & carry in a red mojo bag or place under the bed.

To send a curse back to the sender, carve the name of the person along the side of a black candle, then crush herb together with brimstone & chili powder. Anoint the candle with Uncrossing Oil, & sprinkle the mixture over the black candle. Burn the candle once a day for about an hour until candle has completely melted. Throw remains of candle out with next garbage collection.  If you’re not sure who is sending the curse it’s safer to use Granny’s Oak cross protection spell.

Illustration from Culpeper’s Herbal.



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Weight 0.01 kg


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