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Magic Saturday



Saturday the 22nd February  Click yellow button for details

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It can be hard finding people with whom you can be comfortable talking about Paganism, Witchcraft & Magick…. or other mystical things …



Just about every Saturday*, a bunch of people come together here to chat about all of these things over cups of tea & bikkies & often to do some magic ….come and join us, it’s fun.  *Every six weeks or so we celebrate one of the seasonal Sabbats on Saturday & you’re very welcome to come on these days too and celebrate with us.

only $20 (kids free) …


All about Magic Saturdays


Hermetic Order of the Red Dragon (HORD)

Tuesday 25th February  6.30pm for ritual start 7pm


HORD 2nd degree sash


HORD meetings are only open to initiated members.






To be considered for membership, one needs attend at least three Invocation/Evocation workshops and find a HORD member to sponsor them.

HORD details

The whole point of HORD


Evocation / Invocation Magic Workshop …

Next workshop Tuesday 4th March.


Come & play with the Spirits … it’s fun!

Only $20

Book of Shadows detail from Goetia Girls by Faustus Crow

Let’s have fun exploring the worlds of angels & nature spirits.  You might find you garden suddenly blooming or your pockets full of gold!

Click for more details


Romany caravan early 20th century.

Romany tarot readings.




And here are blogs to explore ….

The Art of Sorcery

Enochian Magic at the Gates of Hell


An ALTAR in the Kitchen

Diva in the Mists; Wendy Rule.

High/Ritual Magic(k)


Order of the Red Dragon

Ritual Tools – Altar Cloths