
In this Pillow lives an invisible Dragon; invisible to all but you, the Owner. When you lay your head on this pillow at night & inhale its magical scent, in your imagination you will see your personal Dragon. You’ll notice its colourings, its protective claws & its unique character. Ask its name, listen & it shall reveal it to you. Your Dragon’s name is a secret between you & your Dragon, so reveal it to no-one else. Dragons like to know you’re aware of them, so visualize and engage with them before going to sleep at night.

If you’d like to learn more about making your own spells & magic, click here for details of Julie’s One on One Spellcraft Course.


Herbal Ingredients:
Dragon Tears
& Dragons Blood : for powerful protection & to drive away negative energies.
Clove & Marshmallow : to remove malicious entities & drive away hostile forces.
Tansy : for a magical cloak of invisibility if danger is near.
Lavender : for soothing, magical, restful sleep.
Basil : sacred to the Basilisk ? provides psychic & physical protection.
Rosemary : protects.


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