Crowley, Aleister

Aleister Crowley (pronounced as in the bird!!) was the consummate magician. His contribution to our present day knowledge and practice of magic (including Witchcraft) is incalculable. His literary output was enormous and his writings are still completely misunderstood (especially by those of us who think we understand!). Just as was written in the Tao Te Ching, so many thousands of years ago, “The Tao that can be spoken in not the true Tao!”, so too, Crowley is acutely aware that words, being the basis of magic itself, are totally inadequate to try and describe magic. Attempting to do so only debases the art. Hence his work is full of humour (at the reader’s expense), and barely-hinted-at half truths which the reader must work at to recover the gems. (I apologise for the mixed metaphor!!)

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