
‘Kyphi incense was burned three times during the day at Heliopolis in ancient Egypt as a gift to the sun god. The most important and precious mix, the one burned in the evening as a supplication for the sun to return the next day, had Spikenard as a key ingredient.” – from ‘Kodo The Way of Incense’ by David Pybus: Tuttle Publishing

Often found in formulas, potions & incenses to keep a lover faithful or to attract men or women. Burn in incenses to help clear the mind & to encourage focus – good when undertaking any form of study. Folk wisdom states that spikenard can be used when training horses to establish communication between animal & human.

Also available on special order as an essential oil.

Aroma when burned as an incense: Earthy, musky, faunal (caprine; goat-like), heady. – from ‘Kodo The Way of Incense’ by David Pybus: Tuttle Publishing

Planetary, Elemental, Gender & Deity attributes in the Tags are from Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.
